If your veterinary practice uses EUTHABAG body bags for all deceased patients (cremation and burial), you will get a $100 gift card!
Be part of the growing number of veterinary practices now showing their team how much they care until the very end. Your team will be proud and relieved. No need to hide anything from pet owners. For an average cost of $8 per animal.
Vet team members are at the heart of the animal health well-being by demonstrating their dedication, compassion, and professionalism to our patients and clients daily.
One of the most challenging and unappreciated aspects of a vet tech's job is handling deceased pets and using plastic bags.
Veterinarians and RVT give our patients the best care possible every day.
We can show them we care just as much for their well-being and offer them a more professional option to help them feel better.
For new universal usage converted practices (all deceased patients, burials and cremations), you will be receiving a $100 gift card.
To participate, complete the form below:
See how EUTHABAG had a significant impact on Tarra’s, (RVT) last goodbye to her own companion.